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Pandora's Box ▷▶

Pandora's Box is unknown and comes with unexpected amount of troubles and surprises. As digital media artists, we are ever curious about the creative process of technology. As creators we must think outside of the box, which can prove overwhelming at times with creative ideas and concepts. Pandora's Box combines multiple mediums from video, live-action, and 3D animations through waves of sound and bouncing colors. This collaborative project has been a work in the making over time, and during the opportunity of the mentorship program has allowed for this project to come to fruition.

Take a mystical journey through strange yet familiar dreamscapes in Pandora's Box and enjoy the ride.

Medium: Video, Music

Charles Graciano

Charles is an artist in visual communication and Digital Media Graphics. Motion graphics fascinate him the most when digital media is involved. While studying in San Francisco, he learned a lot about the involvement with media graphics. He has experience with traditional animation and was trained by active motion picture professionals who served and are currently in the in the entertainment industry. He's working towards developing his content and elaborate his concepts into productions. A lifetime goal of his is to collaborate his concepts and skills with the Walt Disney Company and Pixar to create character development, graphic design and digital editing.

Portfolio ▷▶



Tyler Stannard

Tyler Stannard's practice involves interdisciplinary methods with a focus of exploring and creating virtual worlds. Virtual gardener has been a term he has floated around for awhile, and understanding his self more through the expression of 3D generated environments. This practice has blurred into the real world where images, objects, nature, and commodities can be transferred back and forth between virtual and physical realities. The power to transport viewers to other realities, social, visual, and experimental has captivated the artist over his life time. During his artistic practice and time behind the screen, nature has appeared to be a reoccurring motif, a sort of call back to nature from this constant cycle of "working to live", or better put "live to work". Digital art and technologies allow us to better understand ourselves, connect, and learn in this modern era to see what is beyond the flat screen. Tyler hopes to provoke engagement and curiosity in his work to evoke the desire to create and learn more.

◀◁ Portfolio